

Photo from previous DocCelerator workshop.



"I loved DocCelerator and came out of it with an infinitely clearer idea of the film I have to make."

Fernando Souza, Director, Spain – participant of the 5th DocCelerator


"Thank you so much for the past two days! This was such an amazing lab. Our project has benefited a lot and we have learned a lot."

Areeb Zuaiter, Director, USA - participant of the 7th DocCelerator


"It is wonderful how this experience can change not only the direction of a project, but also the way a filmmaker works."

Maite Vitoria Daneris, Director, Spain - participant of the 3rd DocCelerator


"Thanks to the DocCelerator workshop and your feedback, we reworked entirely our materials. We also simplified our synopsis and created a new trailer, and I believe it did strengthen our proposal greatly. To put it simply: Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Marjolaine Grappe, Director, USA - participant of the 2nd DocCelerator

"Thank you so much for this workshop. It brought me to the core of my film and gave me lots of inspiration and motivation!"

Sien Versteyhe, Director, Belgium - participant of the 16th DocCelerator

The DocCelerator workshop series is run by Geoffrey Smith and Ove Rishøj Jensen

DocCeleratorStory is an online documentary story and script development program. If you are a documentary maker wanting a more focused story and a clearer dramaturgical structure for your project, this format is for you. The workshop will help you define and develop the key structural narrative elements of your film.

During Spring 2025 these DocCeleratorStory workshops will take place:

Dates: March 03-04, 2025. Deadline: February 03.

Both days the workshop runs from 09:00 to 16:30 Central European Time (Paris, Berlin, Rome)

Dates: June 12-13, 2025. Deadline: May 15.

Both days the workshop runs from 09:00 to 16:30 Central European Time (Paris, Berlin, Rome)

As a participant in DocCeleratorStory you get:

  • detailed feedback on how to focus your story
  • input to a stronger narrative structure
  • tools for better shaping storylines and emotional arcs
  • methods for developing a stronger dramatic drive.


The two-day workshop consists of a number of plenary sessions, where the selected participants get comprehensive feedback on their projects. It also includes four precise exercises that the tutors provide, in order to make the selected projects advance in a more focused way. After the workshop the participants will get one individual follow up session, in order to provide further feedback on their projects as they progress with the story development.


During the two working days of DocCeleratorStory, you will as a participant join a number of online plenary sessions. Here you will have script writing methods introduced and receive feedback on your project. In addition, you will also work with concrete writing assignments accelerating a focused story development for your project. When the two-day workshop is completed, you will have learned a method for story development, which you can also apply for the future development of new projects.


Besides generating creative input, DocCeleratorStory saves selected participants many hours of working and much money in production expenses. This is achieved through a more focused narrative structure, which saves hours of recordings not fitting to the film and many days of expensive editing. The essence of DocCeleratorStory is to invest in the development in order to save on the production.


This DocCeleratorStroy workshop is for six selected filmmakers or teams with a project currently in development. It consists of a two-day online workshop and an individual follow up session. The DocCeleratorStory workshop is run by Geoffrey Smith and Ove Rishøj Jensen.


In order to apply for DocCeleratorStory, please send your project presentation including:

  • Synopsis – half a page
  • Treatment and early reflections on the narrative – a full page
  • A link to selected scenes, character taster or other visual material available
  • An estimated time frame and total budget sum for the making of the film
  • Contact details on the director and producer.


In order to submit your project, please write DocCeleratorStory and your project title in the subject line and email your application to


If you need further information or have questions before applying, please contact

We recommend that you take part in DocCeleratorStory as a team of producer and director or as another key creative team of the project. We accept two participants pr project. The participation fee includes the two workshop days as well as follow up feedback on the project development.

Participants pay Euro 550,00 pr project to take part in the DocCeleratorStory workshop. The price is per team, not per participant, and we allow up to two participants per project; for example director and producer.

For the Spring 2025 DocCelerator workshops we are offering a 10% discount to the members of the following organisations:

  • DAE - Documentary Association of Europe
  • Flanders Doc
  • Doc/It
  • Documentary Producers Alliance


  • The Finnish Documentary Guild.



Get feedback on your recorded material or rough cut and strengthen your distribution.

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We can make DocCelerator workshops fitting the needs of your local industry

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Get a tailor made consultation process for your next documentary project. 

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